Eco-systems of Open Science Schooling: Making open science schooling a reality for secondary school students

The open science schooling (OSS) approach is based on young students learning science through science missions carried out in the communities. As stated by the European Commission, infrastructures of science resources must be readily available to teachers and students. These permanent open science schooling resources are called “eco-systems”



Science disengagement takes place in secondary school and typically when the students are from 12 to 15 years old, indicating that science resistance is strongly linked to the development of the students’ identify and personality. This is why Open Science Schooling targets secondary schools, providing students with the opportunity and resources to develop a different image of what science is!


The ultimate mission of the Eco-systems of OSS project is to help secondary schools and science teachers change traditional science teaching into science learning through science missions in collaboration with permanent eco-systems of open science schooling resources –as this approach is expected to engage students in brand new ways and to help them create new and different images of what science is and could be for them. 


So, how to “help” those schools and science teachers?
Through qualified, realistic and relevant guidance, of course…
How to produce this guidance?
Through creating and testing such eco-systems of open science schooling in practice, in real-life and real-time. And through creating practical experience about how such eco-systems of science resources can help students engage in real-life and real-time science missions in the community.
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